Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tomorrow would be a brand new day for a brand new year. When it comes to new year mesti kena ada new year resolution. Perlu ke?
Ok fine la, I do have mine but not like what I've been aiming for the past few years like burn all those fats, stop smoking and all that shit. No no no. I wanted to make the list look comel but fail -_- '
Ok, so please layan my list for a few seconds
+ Make sure my room is sparkling clean, EVERYDAY!!!!
+ List down the things that I've spend
+ Take my photoshop skills to another level
+ Be more serious at After Effects / Flash / Final Cut Pro/ Adobe Audition / Adobe Premier / Adobe Encore
+ Be nice to people
+ Being angry can cause wrinkles, so need to stop (can ah? O_o)
+ Clear all my summons and stop myself from getting any
Out of all 8, I can only confirm 3 that I would be able to achieve by the end of 2010. Hahaha. It's ok, at least I have a list to keep me motivated kan? So what about you guys?
But then, 01/01/2010 would just be another day like those previous day. It's the person him/herself that made the day from worst to better or the other way round. Hope that I'll make mine better.
Monday, December 28, 2009
It was a short vacation that I had with fams. A nice relaxing moment. Cousin got married. Another 'akad nikah' and wedding this weekend. All I can say is that in full of joy :)Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Downloaded CallBlocker for Blackberry and its awesome. The number that I block decided to call a few hours ago and this application instantly blocked it (duhhh) and all I get is just a 1 second missed call. Superb. Anyway, I'm currently having mee mamak at Pelita, Penang at 4 in the morning. Heaven.
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Kau maki aku. Pastu kau ugut aku. Kau nak sangat jawapan, aku bagi kau satu. Tapi kau still tak puas hati. Kau maki aku balik. Lepas ni kau nak buat apa pulak? Kutuk aku dekat orang? Sampai bila? Lantak kau la. Aku malas nak ambil peduli. Ungkit la kau sampai lebam. Sampai habis air liur kau.
Macam aku cakap tadi, aku dah tak peduli.
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A 'friend' decided to text me and said that I'm bloody ungrateful. She keeps on saying how much she had help me when I'm in deep shit. She even threaten me saying that she can do things that I wouldn't expect from her. Sigh, I'm to old for high-school drama. Just leave me alone please. Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I feel like crying like there's no tomorrow.
It's only 4PM but I had the worst day ever. Woke up with a blinking tank and no cash in hand. I had to asked for 5 bucks from dad for petrol. Yes, only 5 bucks because dad is broke too.
Had a nice legal parking. Thought that it's a sign for a good day but no. Had to say bye at the parking spot for KL. Took many wrong turns, crazy ass traffics, no parking and DBKL was every where in Masjid India. The moment I left for Bangsar, it was back to crazy traffic and no parking when I arrived. Imagine, I didn't turn on the aircond during my ride all the way from Subang - Bangsar - KL - Bangsar. And now I still have a blinking tank, empty stomach, thirsty and sweaty. How worst can it get?
It's official. I hate KL. I hate Bangsar. I hate driving. I hate being broke. I hate being out of the house, the most.
I just want a cold shower, my room with a full blast aircond, coke with extra ice and blanky. Please and thank you.
Let's hope that tomorrow will be a better day for me, and everyone else.
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
It took me months to convince her to get a twitter account and to day, she did it, at a mamak stall, Darussalam *promo jap*. So my next mission would be, persuade her to get a Blackberry which then I'll shut up for a week. If she does get one la.
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
It was just a short and simple breakfasr, with ZhnaFisal but very relaxing. I really do miss having a nice stress free 'lepak' session
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Testing mobile blogging. If it works, I might just update this everyday hahaha. The power of advance technology.
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Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Friday, December 4, 2009
What a good start ++ warning from mom. Another ticket and she'll take back the car
++ still stuck with migraine
++ spend 45 minutes for LEGAL parking
++ arrived at the shop and realised that I left the keys to the shop
But on the brighter side
++ dad decided to send the keys to me
++ mom decided to pay half of the 12 summons that I received from MPSJ
Instead of feeling happy, I'm all down with feeling guilty. Guilty as fuck.